Баҳисобгирии оморӣ воситаи самарабахши ба низом даровардан ва таҳияи дурнамои фаъолияти субъектҳои иқтисодӣ ба шумор меравад.

Emomali Rahmon

About Agency

The Statistical Agency under President of the Republic of Tajikistan is the central statistical office of the country. The  Agency on Statistics  is administratively autonomous and its head serves as the country's chief statistician who reports to the President and government. The  Statistical Agency  is responsible for population censuses, household surveys, demographic statistics and a wide range of economic statistics involving establishment and enterprise surveys, as well as prices, international trade, the national accounts, government finance, agricultural, labor and social statistics. In the case of social statistics, the Agency on Statistics compiles the data from administrative records of corresponding Ministries.  The National Bank of Tajikistan (NBT) compiles monetary data.   

The statistics collected and disseminated by the Statistical Agency  are governed by the Law of the Tajik Republic on State Statistics (No 588, dated January12,2010) that establishes the independence of the Statistical Agency and guarantees the confidentiality of the data provided by the individual statistical units. The Law further requires the  Statistical Agency  to develop the statistics according to international methodological recommendations and to provide objectivity and integrity of the statistics. The measures that the Statistical Agency   intends to implement to enhance the quality of its statistics are described in its three year Multi-annual Integrated Statistical Programme.  

860 persons (as of January 1, 2010) work in the Statistical Agency network that includes the head office in Dushanbe, the main computing center, and local offices. The primary data are collected in the local offices, forwarded to the regional offices and ultimately to the main computing center, where the information is processed in accordance with the specifications provided by the subject-matter specialists in the head office. The main organizational blocks in the Statistical Agency, that are replicated in the computing center and the regional offices, are subject-matter divisions that are supervised by three deputies to the chairman who also divide the responsibility for supervising the regional and Dushanbe city offices.  

The information in the Statistical Agency is prepared according to the program of statistical works and  Publication catalogue. The main publication of the Statistical Agency  is the monthly report  Socio-Economic Situation that includes the latest monthly data with brief commentary and is circulated to the offices of the President, Prime Minister and ministries and departments. This publication is available to the public. The report is published by the 12th day of the month following the accounting period. The annual publications also are issued: Statistical Yearbook of Tajikistan, Regions of Tajikistan, Tajikistan in figures and thematic publications.