Баҳисобгирии оморӣ воситаи самарабахши ба низом даровардан ва таҳияи дурнамои фаъолияти субъектҳои иқтисодӣ ба шумор меравад.

Emomali Rahmon

Real sector

Salaries by economic activity, 2011-2019

Employment by economic of activity, 2011-2019

CPI by 546 items, 2022

Macroeconomic indicators, 2000-2022

Real economy indicators, 2002-2022

CPI by 274 items, 2002

CPI by 274 items, 2003

CPI by 274 items, 2004

CPI by 274 items, 2005

CPI by 274 items, 2006

CPI by 274 items, 2007

CPI by 351 items, 2008

CPI by 360 items, 2009-2014

CPI by major groups of goods, 2000-2023

PPI, 2000-2010

Employment, 2000-2020

Wages, 2000-2010

Aggregate income of population on average per capita, 1998-2020

Usage of aggregate income of population, 1998-2020

Structure of household consumer disbursements, 1998-2020

Foodstuff consumption per capita, 1991-2020

Сash incomes and expenditures of population, 1998-2020

Average provision of population with houses per one inhabitant, 1998-2020

Housing facilities, 1998-2020

Cargo carriage by all mode of transport, 1998-2020

Public conveyance by all mode of transport, 1998-2020

Provision of population with individual automobiles, 1998-2020

Paid services realization volume, 1998-2020

Retail turnover, 1998-2020

Provision of population with home telephone sets, 1998-2020

Energy Balance of Tajikistan, 2017

Energy Balance of Tajikistan, 2018

January 2018 jodi oil

February 2018 jodi oil

March 2018 jodi oil

April 2018 jodi oil

May 2018 jodi oil

June 2018 jodi oil

July 2018 jodi oil

August 2018 jodi oil

September 2018 jodi oil

October 2018 jodi oil

November 2018 jodi oil

December 2018 jodi oil

January 2019 jodi oil

February 2019 jodi oil

March 2019 jodi oil

April 2019 jodi oil

May 2019 jodi oil

June 2019 jodi oil

July 2019 jodi oil

August 2019 jodi oil

September 2019 jodi oil

October 2019 jodi oil

November 2019 jodi oil

December 2019 jodi oil

January 2020 jodi oil

February 2020 jodi oil

March 2020 jodi oil

April 2020 jodi oil

May 2020 jodi oil

June 2020 jodi oil

July 2020 jodi oil

August 2020 jodi oil

September 2020 jodi oil

October 2020 jodi oil

November 2020 jodi oil

December 2020 jodi oil

January 2021 jodi oil

February 2021 jodi oil

March 2021 jodi oil

April 2021 jodi oil

May 2021 jodi oil

June 2021 jodi oil

July 2021 jodi oil

August 2021 jodi oil

September 2021 jodi oil

October 2021 jodi oil

November 2021 jodi oil

December 2021 jodi oil


Energy Balance of Tajikistan, 2019