- "Gender indices in dekhkan farms" for 201-2017 (Download :type)
- Report on results of one-time statistical sample micro-enterprises survey (Download :type)
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- Report on the results of one-off sample survey on "The state of the energy facilities and efficiency of use in 2016" (Download :type)
- The population of the Republic of Tajikistan on January 1, 2018 (Download :type)
- Final Report: National Strategy for Development of Statistics. Twinning Partnership (Download :type)
- Socio-Economic Situation in Tajikistan for 2017 (Russian) (Download :type)
- Report «Situation in the Labour Market in the Tajikistan», prepared based on the Labor Force Survey, Project “Implementation of the National Strategy for Development of Statistics” (Download :type)
- Report on results of the water users sample survey in agricultural, mining and processing industry in the Tajikistan under the ESASTAT Project “Implementation of the National Strategy for Development of Statistics" (Download :type)
- Food security and poverty №3 2017 (Download :type)
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- Tajikistan in Figures - 2017 (Russian) (Download :type)
- Food security and poverty №2 2017 (Download :type)
- Education in the Republic of Tajikistan 1991-2016 (Russian) (Download :type)
- Demographic Yearbook of the Republic of Tajikistan 2016 (Russian) (Download :type)