Дар шароити муносибатҳои иқтисоди бозорӣ бе ҳисобу китоб, таҳлили натиҷаҳои кор ва ба нақша гирифтани имкониятҳо пешрафти мунтазамро таъмин намудан ғайриимкон мебошад.

Emomali Rahmon

Within the framework of the NSDS Project implementation, the visits were made by the Key Expert, Mr. Jose Servera on electronic dissemination of information and the Expert, Mr. Alexander Bely on the creation of an electronic library in the AS

According to the Twining Partnership Contract signed between the Agency on statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Joint Venture (Consortium) headed by DevStat, the visit was made during the period from 5-8 March 2018 by the Key Expert, Mr. Jose Servera on technical assistance in the electronic dissemination of information using modern Internet technologies and the Expert, Mr. Alexander Bely during the period from 5-9 March on the creation of an electronic library in the Agency on Statistics.

The main objective of this experts mission was to assist the AS in the integration and harmonization of statistical information resources and the creation of a state integrated statistical resource in the form of a single interdepartmental statistical information system, the implementation of an electronic library, the collection of all electronic documents, as well as the training sessions to the AS on the library maintenance.
Within the framework of the mission by Mr. Josе Servera the following tasks have been fulfilled: the framework for the process of integration and harmonization of statistical information resources and the creation of a state integrated statistical resource in the form of a single interdepartmental statistical information system; the meetings were held and the work of non-key experts on the creation of a new AS website and electronic library was discussed; technical assistance was provided to disseminate the SDG and designing of quality indicators for the dissemination process. 
Within the framework of the mission by Mr. Alexander Bely the following tasks have been fulfilled: in cooperation with the Department for the Management of the Register, Classifiers and Dissemination of Statistical Information the basic functions of the electronic library have been established, including the access rights; the concept of an electronic library was created and presented to the Working Group on Electronic Dissemination; an electronic library has been developed using tools that are compatible with the new website and the current Intranet, support for the collection of all documents to be uploaded to the electronic library together with the Working Group on Electronic Dissemination.
The work will be continued in the framework of the following visits of experts for further developing of the capacity of the national statistical system of Tajikistan in the preparation and dissemination of relevant, reliable and timely statistical data in the most cost-effective manner in accordance with international standards and responding as much as possible to user needs.
Published on: 11.03.2018