Баҳисобгирии оморӣ воситаи самарабахши ба низом даровардан ва таҳияи дурнамои фаъолияти субъектҳои иқтисодӣ ба шумор меравад.

Emomali Rahmon

Within the framework of the Project Implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics the visit was made by the International Expert Ms. Pilar Guzman to the Agency on statistics

 According to the Twining Partnership Contract signed between the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Joint Venture (Consortium) headed by DevStat, the visit was made by the International Expert Ms. Pilar Guzman to the Agency on statistics on May 15-22, 2018 on the budget of time survey.

The training seminar was held during the period from May 15-18, 2018 on one-time sample household survey to study the use of a daily time fund by the population. It should be noted that Ms. Pilar held a seminar for the interviewers in the Agency on Statistics for all regions and for GBAO a trip was made to Khorog town on May 21.
In order to conduct this survey, two visits were organized by International Expert Ms. Pilar Gusman and according to her recommendations the manual and questionnaires were developed and prepared.
The Survey is conducted in all regions of the Republic and in Dushanbe based on a selective method and covers 300 households. The Survey respondents are households members selected for the survey, aged 10-14 years old and 15 years old and older. The Survey is conducted based on the household budgets survey.
The main purpose of the Survey is to form the official statistical information on the distribution of the daily fund of time for the population to:
• study the regularity of the influence of socio-economic processes on the structure of the daily activities of the population, the duration and frequency of its main type;
• identify differences in the use of time (the entire budget of time and its separate parts) between different socio-demographic groups of the population;
• study social patterns of people activities related to off-hours;
• study the distribution of paid and unpaid work between men and women;
• assess the quality of life of the population.
In general, it should be noted that the main purpose of the survey on use of a daily time fund by the population is to study the use of the daily time of each member of the household, especially women and children, during one daily time on weekdays and weekends.
Published on: 23.05.2018