On August 2, 2019 in the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan held a press conference with representatives of the media.
The press conference was attended by the representatives of NIAT Khovar, newspapers and news agencies: «Jumhuriyat», «Sadoi mardum», «Narodnay gazeta», «Minbari Khalk», «Javononi Tojikiston», «Boju Khiroj», as well as the representatives of TV channel Bahoriston and the representatives of radio: Tojikiston, Khovar and Sadoi Dushanbe.
Prior to the press conference, the journalists were provided with the press releases on the socio-economic situation of the Republic of Tajikistan (in Tajik and Russian languages) as well as on the activities of the state statistics bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan in the first half of 2019.
The press conference was opened by the Director of the Agency on statistics, Ms. Hasanzoda Gulnora, who presented the results of the activities of statistical bodies for the first half of 2019 and further tasks for 2019.
During the discussion of this topic, the press conference was also attended by the Deputy Directors of the Agency, heads of sector departments and divisions of the central offices and the Main Computing Center of the Agency on Statistics.
In general, the journalists asked questions on the following topics:
- Preparation of the Agency for Statistics for the upcoming census of the population and housing of the Republic of Tajikistan 2020;
- Training and advanced training of employees of the Agency for Statistics with the support and cooperation with international organizations abroad and domestically;
- The reliability of statistics and sampling in the private sector;
- Receipt of social taxes in the state budget;
- Methods of the census of the population and housing
- The number of specialists involved in the census of the population and housing;
- The number of personnel involved in the population and housing censuses;
- Access of users of statistical information to statistical publications;
- Information on mortality, fertility, marriage and divorce, etc.
Representatives of the media were satisfied with the answers to their questions.
Such events conducted with the participation of representatives of the media and users of statistical data will improve the transparency and quality of work in the preparation of statistical data.