According to the Twining Partnership Contract signed between the Agency on statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Joint Venture (Consortium) headed by DevStat, the visit was made by the International Expert, Ms. Margarita Rohr from March 16 to 20, 2018 on introducing the physical volume index of foreign trade.
The main objective of the expert mission was to provide advice to the specialists of the Agency on introducing the physical volume index of foreign trade in the national statistical practice of the Republic of Tajikistan. The heterogeneous nature of the exported and imported goods does not allow one to obtain generalized representation of the dynamics of the physical volume of the foreign goods trade. The latter can be measured by calculating the physical volume index calculated based on the average price index characterizing the change in the volume of exports and imports.
During the visit, the expert conducted a training seminar on foreign goods trade for the specialists of the Agency on statistics and the Main Computer Center, where the goals, objectives, data sources, indicators and methodology of foreign trade statistics were discussed. In addition, the expert conducted a training seminar on introduction the index method to familiarize participants with the main methodological provisions for calculating price indices and physical volume.
Together with the specialists of the Trade and Services Department and the Price and Tariffs Department of the Agency on statistics, the offers and suggestions were discussed and developed for introducing additions and changes to the methodology for calculating average price indices and the physical volume of exports and imports in order to improve the methods for calculating foreign trade indices based on the rules and standards existing in the international statistical practice.
In addition, during the mission of the Expert, Ms. Margarita Rohr, the file architecture was created to calculate the average price indices and the physical volume of exports and imports, which was partially tested on real data and algorithm was developed for calculating foreign trade indices on a quarterly basis.