Дар тамоми қаламрави ҷумҳурӣ баҳисобгирии оморӣ, бояд ҳатмӣ, пурра ва бе нуқсон амалӣ гардад. Мақомоти давлатӣ дар ин бобат ва ҳамчунин ҷиҳати ба стандартҳои байналхалқӣ мутобиқ будани ҳисоботи муҳосибавӣ бояд тадбирҳои зарурӣ андешанд.

Emomali Rahmon

Workshop “Economic Analysis of the Expenditure-Output Table”

28-29 March 2019 workshop was held at the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on the “Economic Analysis of the Expenditure-Output Table” with the assistance of the Asian Development Bank.

It was attended by the leadership and staff of the Statistical Agency, representatives of the national bank, ministries: finance, economic development and trade, energy and water resources, industry and new technologies, health and social protection of the population, as well as representatives of the Committee for the Development of Tourism, Customs and others. The Asian Bank was represented by Joseph Makhinzan, the head of the expert team, experts  Julet Magalannes, John Arvin Bernabe, and Albert San Juan..


The Director of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Hasanzoda Gulnora Kenja, expressed gratitude to the Asian Development Bank and noted that the Asian Development Bank, as a reliable partner of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, along with other important aspects of the economic and social life of our country and region, pays special attention to issues of improvement data.


Deputy Director of the Agency Kiyomiddin Davlatzoda noted that the theoretical foundations of the inter-sectoral balance or the “Costs - Output” table began to be developed by V. V. Leontyev while studying at the University of Berlin. A shortened translation of his original article titled “The Balance of the National Economy of the USSR” Leontiev showed that the coefficients expressing the connections between sectors of the economy are fairly stable and can be predicted.

In our time, the priority for the economic development of the country is the mutual linkage, the balance of the results of the activities of individual sectors and sectors of the economy. Therefore, for the first time, the SNA-93 version included tables “Costs-Output”, which allow to link the resources of products and services (production and import) with their use in the economy (production consumption, non-production consumption, accumulation and export). 

First of all, the Agency on Statistics needs the support of development partners in data collection in the tourism sector.


The head of the expert group, Josef Makhinzan, in his speech especially noted that at this seminar we can present several analytical models that will be very useful for further work.

During the seminar, the “Cost-Output” tables were presented taking into account the latest models and experience of developed countries.

Published on: 29.03.2019