Баҳисобгирии оморӣ воситаи самарабахши ба низом даровардан ва таҳияи дурнамои фаъолияти субъектҳои иқтисодӣ ба шумор меравад.

Emomali Rahmon

"Labor Market in the Republic of Tajikistan" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan was released

The publication provides main indicators characterizing labour market in the Republic of Tajikistan in 1991-2020 including economically active population, employment by types of economic activities, unemployment, economically inactive population and reasons of unemployment. The data are given with a breakdown by regions, age, and sex. The publication also contains information on labour migrants, and their standing abroad.

Published on: 19.01.2022