Дар шароити муносибатҳои иқтисоди бозорӣ бе ҳисобу китоб, таҳлили натиҷаҳои кор ва ба нақша гирифтани имкониятҳо пешрафти мунтазамро таъмин намудан ғайриимкон мебошад.

Emomali Rahmon

Board meeting

On October 20, 2020, the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan held an expanded meeting of the Board of the Agency on Statistics "On the results of the work of the statistical bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan for nine months of 2020 and the implementation of tasks until the end of 2020" with the participation of the representative of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Mukaddaszoda Firdavs, the leadership of the Agency on Statistics, the heads of the main department of the Agency on Statistics in GBAO, regions, the city of Dushanbe, the heads of the statistical bodies of cities and districts of republican subordination, departments and sectors of the Central Office and the Main Computer Center.

The meeting was opened by the Director of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Hasanzoda Gulnora Kenja with a congratulatory speech in honor of the International Day of Statistics, which is annually celebrated on October 20 and noted the high level holding of the population and housing census in 2020, wished all the country's statisticians success and prosperity in life and work.

During her speech, Hasanzoda Gulnora commented on a number of achievements of significant indicators of state statistics.

Then, the first deputy director of the Agency on Statistics, Shokirzoda Shodmon, presented a detailed report on the results of the work of state statistics bodies for nine months of 2020, noting that state statistics bodies carry out their activities on the basis of the Message of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on statistics and social -economic programs and plans.

During the meeting, Shokirzoda Shodmon noted the implementation of a set of tasks for nine months of 2020 by statistical authorities in the process of collecting and processing statistical data, covering statistical observations of business entities using advanced methods of selective statistical observations, research and surveys. use of reliable methodologies for collecting and calculating statistical data, as well as practical control over the transparency of statistical data using modern information technologies.

It was noted that in the nine months of 2020, a total of 7,218 statistical works were completed, which indicates the full implementation of the statistical work program. Including 1796 works in the field of industry statistics and investments in construction, 1613 works in the field of agricultural statistics and environmental protection, 384 works in the field of financial statistics, 408 works in the field of price and tariff accounting, 429 works in the field of statistics, studies of household budget farms, 798 works for demographic statistics, employment and social protection, 1146 works on material resources, trade and foreign economic relations and 644 works on transport, communications, housing and communal services, paid services to the population.

t was noted that in connection with the transition to electronic reporting, the number of submitted reports on paper as a whole decreased by 41.4%, including on social statistics and labor statistics - by 79.2%, industry - by 58.8%, rural households - by 49.6%, construction - by 49.0%, demography - by 39.1%, trade - by 30.1%, systems of national accounts - by 26.9%, prices - by 28.4% , foreign economic relations - by 27.3%, transport and communications - by 20.5%.

Shokirzoda Shodmon noted that the population and housing census, which was conducted from October 1 to October 15 in the Republic of Tajikistan, was one of the most important political and global events, the results of which are used to develop national and regional strategies and programs, assess the demographic situation and thanked local statistical authorities for their effective work in holding this important event.

In this regard, the leadership of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan awarded a certificate of gratitude to the heads of the Main Directorate of the Agency on Statistics in GBAO and the Sughd region and a number of heads of departments, departments and sectors of the Agency on Statistics in cities and districts of republican subordination for holding a high the level of the population and housing census using modern methods of information collection.

During the meeting, reports of a number of heads of statistical agencies of regions, cities and districts of republican subordination were heard, and the leadership of the Agency gave instructions to eliminate the existing shortcomings.

At the end of the meeting, the Director of the Statistics Agency Gulnora Kenja gave specific instructions to the heads of the statistical agencies of regions, cities and districts of republican subordination on transparency of statistical data, especially in agricultural statistics, and to complete work on preparations for winter.

Published on: 20.10.2020