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Emomali Rahmon

First virtual supervision mission of the World Bank on the “Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan Project”

During February 9-11, 2022, the World Bank conducted first virtual supervision mission with the participation of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan management and the project implementation group of the "Modernizing the national Statistical system in Tajikistan Project".

The purpose of the mission was to assess the Project’s progress and identify any challenges that the project implementation group may be facing during implementing the Project.

Within the framework of the three-day mission participants covered the issues on finance management, procurement, social development, monitoring and evaluation of the Project, as well as administrative issues.

As a result of the mission, the participants found a number of decisions that contribute to accelerating the further progress of the Project.

For reference:

Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan Project covers the periods 2021-2026 and will be implemented by the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. The Project aims to provide the Agency on Statistics with the opportunity to modernize statistical production, data dissemination and improve interaction with users. The Project will assist the Government in developing more effective and evidence-based economic and social policies and monitoring the effectiveness of its programs and policies by providing reliable and high-quality data, providing easy access to statistical data and increasing the use of data generated by the private sector.



Published on: 03.03.2022