Мутобиқи қонунгузорӣ тамоми корхонаҳо, ташкилотҳо, муассисаҳо ва умуман ҳамаи субъектҳои истеҳсоливу ғайриистеҳсолӣ, сарфи назар аз шакли моликияташон бояб ба мақомоти оморӣ ҳисоботи заруриро саривақт, пурра ва ба таври дақиқ пешниҳод намоянд.

Emomali Rahmon

Regions of the Republic of Tajikistan

The statistical book is the most comprehensive statistical publication of the Statistical Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, which supple-ments the Statistical Yearbook and provides the relevant information on the economic and social development of the regions of Tajikistan.

The yearbook contains statistics on demographic and ecological situation in the regions, employment by industries, as well as regional data reflecting the state of the industry, agriculture, transport, communications, and services. Special sections are devoted to the major social indicators, as well as construction of dwellings and social and cultural facilities.

Published on: 28.11.2019