Дар тамоми қаламрави ҷумҳурӣ баҳисобгирии оморӣ, бояд ҳатмӣ, пурра ва бе нуқсон амалӣ гардад. Мақомоти давлатӣ дар ин бобат ва ҳамчунин ҷиҳати ба стандартҳои байналхалқӣ мутобиқ будани ҳисоботи муҳосибавӣ бояд тадбирҳои зарурӣ андешанд.

Emomali Rahmon

The publication "Finance of Tajikistan" was released

The publication presents statistical information for 2013-2018 on state budget, banking systems and insurance market, financial performance of enterprises and organizations.

The publication covers information on short- and long-term lending, credit facility by branches, fiscal revenues and spending, settlement payments by branches of economy.

Data are given at current prices of corresponding years and cover the booked enterprises and organizations located on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan. Brief methodological notes and diagrams are also included.

Published on: 01.10.2019