From 23 – 28 May, 2022 at Agency on statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan is conducting Training Workshop on “Tajikistan Household Budget Survey (Challenges and Solutions)” with the financial support of World Health Organization (WHO).
Opening of the current seminar started today – May 23, 2022 with the opening speech of Director of Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan – Ms. Hasanzoda Gulnora Kenja. First of all Director of Agency on Statistics expressed her gratitude to representatives of WHO for their continuous support on strengthening statistical capacity. It was mentioned that last years from the WHO side there have been a lot of supports on health sector, especially health indicators, disability and related SDG indicators.
After that, Dr. Victor Olsavszky, WHO Representative in Tajikistan continued the speech and expressed his thoughts about importance of HBS in the countries and the indicators which is obtained from this survey for the purpose of forecasting. Also it was mentioned that health indicators are very important, from the health indicators it is possible to evaluate the quality of health services, overall health of population and other difficulties of this sector. Therefore, conducting such surveys is very dominant for the countries.
Also, Dr. Ilker Dastan, Advisor on health policy, WHO Tajikistan expressed his ideas about importance of statistical data on preparing and implementation of political governmental papers, which should be organized based on quality statistical data. The reasons of strengthening health system of Tajikistan are: improvement of living standards and population heals, monitoring health system of the country, achieving SDG goals and implementation of political and strategical plans of the country.
For your information the Household Budget Survey (HBS) is one of the most important surveys carried out by the Agency on Statistics, with the objective of obtaining information about the nature and destination of consumption expenses, as well as information about diverse features related with household living conditions. To establish trust in the measurement of income, expenditure, poverty and inequality from Tj-HBS, statistical technical members must regularly assess and continuously improve the quality of their processes as well as the accuracy of their data. This should be one of the prerequisites to prevent misguided policies, especially when such policies are based on data from household budget surveys.
The main goal of this 6-days training workshop is to assist Tajikistan survey statisticians to develop HBS in an efficient and reliable manner, provide a comprehensive methodological review of HBS and a range of technical recommendations to improve HBS (including consumption expenditure and health module) as well as to allow users such as WHO to make greater use of survey generated data.
This workshop is expected to discuss these topics:
- Present several important aspects of conducting HBS;
- Provide a detailed list of standards for HBS;
- Problems of measuring consumption, income and wealth;
- Addressee some issues on survey design and sample design for Tajikistan-HBS;
- Improving Health module;
- Suggest a revised HBS questionnaire.
Current seminar will be conducted 23-24 May for the representatives of ministries and agencies and 25-28 of May will be for the regional statisticians which are directly working with collecting HBS indicators.
During the 6 days of training seminar there will be presentations for participants by Ms.Asiya Abbasi about the improvement methodology of harmonization of international standards, practice of developed countries, procedure of calculation of SDG indicators, especially the indicators which under target of 3.8 on SDGs.