Баҳисобгирии оморӣ воситаи самарабахши ба низом даровардан ва таҳияи дурнамои фаъолияти субъектҳои иқтисодӣ ба шумор меравад.

Emomali Rahmon

Within the framework of the project “Modernization of the National Statistical System in Tajikistan”, a survey of the needs of users of statistics was conducted

Within the framework of the project “Modernization of the National Statistical System in Tajikistan” in July-August 2022, the RussellBedfordAAA Company, involved by the Agency on Statistics, conducted a user survey.

We had to carry out the following tasks:
Ø to obtain feedback from users and to pay more attention to the quality of statistical information;
Ø to study the user needs and analyze the development plan to achieve better consumer needs;
Ø to develop further the dialogue between users and producers, as well as between the various producers of statistics.

Results of the survey

Published on: 18.09.2022