Мутобиқи қонунгузорӣ тамоми корхонаҳо, ташкилотҳо, муассисаҳо ва умуман ҳамаи субъектҳои истеҳсоливу ғайриистеҳсолӣ, сарфи назар аз шакли моликияташон бояб ба мақомоти оморӣ ҳисоботи заруриро саривақт, пурра ва ба таври дақиқ пешниҳод намоянд.

Emomali Rahmon

Consulting services to support preparation of the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Twining Partnership contract



Project Preparation of the " Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan "

Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan




Consulting services to support preparation of the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Twining Partnership contract


Location: Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan

Duration: June 2021 to August 2021,

Client: Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan




In response to the request of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for financial assistance, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("World Bank"), as the administrator of grant funds within the framework of the multi-donor trust fund for the development of institutional capacity in the Europe and Central Asia region (ECAPDEV), provided a Grant for preparatory work for a proposed Project to modernize the national statistical system in Tajikistan. To implement the Project activities with a good degree of efficiency, the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (AS) will plan to hire a Twinning Partner that will help in the organization of technical workshops, study visits as well as provide professional advice to support the achievement of project objectives.

 In connection with the above, the AS intends to hire a qualified consultant to support development of the ToR for the Twining Partnership (TP).


Objectives of the assignment and scope of the services:


The consultant will provide support to the AS in development of the ToRs for the Twining Partnership activities, including all necessary supporting documents. The consultant shall undertake to perform the following services:

  • Assist the AS in the development of the  Terms of Reference for the Twining Partnership;
  • Review all available project documentation;
  • Conduct meetings with key personnel involved in the preparation and implementation of the project, including the Project Implementation Unit, the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and others concerning the preparation of all tasks of the TP;
  • Determine the main parameters of the Twining Partnership's responsibility, division of responsibilities and methods of implementing the tasks assigned to it;
  • Prepare and agree on the Terms of Reference for the Twining Partnership concerning the activities of the TP, responsibilities and implementation matrix of TP.


The consultant should remain available for providing technical advice during the TP’s selection process.


The Terms of Reference of the Twining Partnership should include:


  • Background information for the assignment;
  • Objectives of the Twinning Partnership;
  • Detailed scope of the TP services;
  • Deliverables/ outputs expected with the proposed outline; implementation matrix of TP;
  • Main requirements for TP
  • Explanation practice (2 last practice under TP, best practice
  • List of Key Experts with qualifications requirements to these positions;
  • Estimated month-inputs for Key experts;
  • Expected outcome of TP
  • Reporting requirements



The consultant shall provide:


  1. Detailed work plan (within 10 days from the date of signing the Contract).
  2. Draft Terms of Reference for the Twining Partnership (no later than July 31, 2021).The draft ToR should be submitted to the AS management’s review. In case the comments to the TOR have been provided, the consultant shall address them in the finalized TOR.
  3. Final report on completion of the assignment, including the final version of the ToRs (no later than August 30, 2021).


Qualification :


  1. Higher education in statistics, economics, business and related fields
  2. Successful experience in providing advice on the development of ToRs for consultancy services in statistics area;
  3. Relevant experience in preparing written analytical reports, presenting substantiated results of similar staff assessments and defending their recommendations;
  4. Knowledge of the fundamental principles of official statistics,
  5. Work experience under at least one Twining Partnership.
  6. Fluency in English and Russian. Knowledge of Tajik is a plus.


Reporting requirements:


The consultant will report to the Director of the AS. The expected deliverables/outputs will be submitted both electronically and in hard copy in English and Russian

The consultant will work in close collaboration with  the Project Coordinator.




Published on: 24.06.2021