Баҳисобгирии оморӣ воситаи самарабахши ба низом даровардан ва таҳияи дурнамои фаъолияти субъектҳои иқтисодӣ ба шумор меравад.

Emomali Rahmon

Hiring a local company / NGO to conduct Thematic Baseline Assessment and a Data User Survey


 Project Preparation of the "Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan”

 Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan



Hiring a local company / NGO to conduct

Thematic Baseline Assessment and a Data User Survey

Location: Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan

Duration: July 2021 to August 2021,

Client: Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan


In response to the request of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for financial assistance, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("World Bank"), as the administrator of grant funds within the framework of the multi-donor trust fund for the development of institutional capacity in the Europe and Central Asia region (ECAPDEV), provided grant funds for preparatory work for a proposed project to modernize the national statistical system in Tajikistan in the amount of US $ 350,000.

In order to ensure the quality implementation of the planned activities for the preparation of the project, the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan will hire a local company to conduct a Thematic Baseline Assessment and a Data User Survey under the project “Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan”.

 The main objectives of the assignment:

 A local company is conducting a Thematic Baseline Assessment and a Data User Survey.

Description of responsibilities:

In its activities, the company undertakes to perform the following works:

Study and prepare analytical material about (overview of the current situation):

- Formation of official statistics based on the fundamental principles of official statistics (UN);

- Normative legal acts in the field of statistics

- Use of international methodology and classification of statistical accounting;

- Provision of metadata

- Harmonization of the international methodology of official statistical accounting at the national and regional levels;

- Quality of statistical production

- Human resource development and personnel management

- Using the method of data dissemination and statistical publication

 - Exchange of information at the international level

- Data exchange between statistical agencies

- Use of administrative sources for statistical purposes

- Collection of data electronically

- Reducing the burden on respondents

- Data protection and statistical confidentiality

- Statistical business register

- SDG statistics


Study and prepare analytical material on the transition to SNA – 2008

 - formation of annual and quarterly accounts

- estimate of the unobserved economy

- formation of SEEA in national accounts

- compilation of satellite tourism accounts;

- calculation of indicators "National wealth" and "Intellectual property".

- preparation of indicators for linking SNA 2008 and GFS 2014

- calculations of the balance of cash income and expenses of the population


Study and prepare analytical material on Economic Statistics

- industry statistics

- construction statistics

- statistics of foreign and domestic trade

- statistics of transport, services and tourism:

- agricultural statistics and agricultural census

- price statistics

 Study and prepare analytical material on environmental statistics

- changing of the climate;

- toxic waste, waste catalog;

- reporting on ozone-depleting substances (in particular, HFC - hydrochloric carbon);

- SDG indicators for environmental statistics

- water cadastre

 Study and prepare analytical material on Demographic and Social Statistics:

- Quality, availability and use of data on poverty and employment in HBS

- Electronic household books

-Indicators of “decent work and productive employment”, “green jobs”, LFS and labor migration, the situation of working children;

- Metadata on labor market statistics, vocational training, employment and wages

- Registration of not registered external labor migrants

- Сollection of data on labor migrants of citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan,

- Gender statistics

- Statistics of health care and social protection of the population

- Education statistics

- Culture statistics

- Crime statistics

- Science statistics

- Population census

 Conduct surveys of users of statistical information, summarize and present the needs of users.


 Providing an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the institutional, organizational and technical capacity for the production of official statistics and compliance with international standards and recommendations.

Assessment and recommendations on the legal and institutional framework of the national statistical system, the organizational structure and functioning of TAJSTAT, the organization of collection of primary data and registers, as well as the compliance of statistical data with international and European standards, identification of the needs of users of statistical information.

 Selection criteria and company requirements

 Applications from interested companies will be evaluated based on the following selection criteria:


  1. Experience in conducting similar studies in Tajikistan;

     2.Methodology and approach, including proposed contract management for effective monitoring, reporting, measurement of results and improvement of their achievement;

  1. Knowledge of the fundamental principles of official statistics, the European Statistics Code, international methodology and classifications in statistics
  2. Experience and qualifications of all team members on the part of the research company, experience in statistical research is encouraged.

 The selection of a research company will be based on the following qualifications:

 (a)        Legal status recognized by the Republic of Tajikistan and allowing the company to perform the above tasks in accordance with national legislation;

(b) Experience with applied qualitative research methods, especially in-depth interviews;

(c) Demonstrated experience in organizing enterprise research in Tajikistan and / or Central Asia over the past 5 years;

(d) Strong capacity and experience in planning and organizing the logistics of conducting research, as well as a proven track record of achieving timely results;

(e) Relevant experience in preparing written reports and short presentations of research findings;

(f) Availability of experienced interviewers;

(g) Demonstrated capacity and experience in data management and statistics;

(h) Advanced knowledge and experience with the following software: Stata or SPSS, MS Excel and MS Word.

 Reporting requirements:

 The local company will report to the Director of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

 The local company will carry out its day-to-day work under the operational control of the Project Coordinator.

Published on: 25.06.2021