Дар тамоми қаламрави ҷумҳурӣ баҳисобгирии оморӣ, бояд ҳатмӣ, пурра ва бе нуқсон амалӣ гардад. Мақомоти давлатӣ дар ин бобат ва ҳамчунин ҷиҳати ба стандартҳои байналхалқӣ мутобиқ будани ҳисоботи муҳосибавӣ бояд тадбирҳои зарурӣ андешанд.

Emomali Rahmon

Local company/organization for review of the IT systems of the entire organizational structure of the Agency, including its sub-national offices and main producers of official statistics


Project Preparation of the "Modernizing of the National Statistical System in the Republic of Tajikistan"

Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan




Local company/organization for review of the IT systems of the entire organizational structure of the Agency, including its sub-national offices and main producers of official statistics

Location: Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan

Duration: July 2021 to August 2021,

Client: Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan



In response to the request of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for financial assistance, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("World Bank"), as the administrator of grant funds within the framework of the multi-donor trust fund for the development of institutional capacity in the Europe and Central Asia region (ECAPDEV), provided grant funds for preparatory work for a proposed project to modernize the national statistical system in Tajikistan in the amount of US $ 350,000.

In order to ensure the quality implementation of the planned activities for the preparation of the project, the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan will hire a local company / organization to carry out IT infrastructure and information security for the preparation of the project "Modernization of the national statistical system in Tajikistan".

The main objectives of the assignment:


The local company / organization will conduct a survey of the current IT infrastructure and information security of the Customer with the following objectives:


  • Analysis of the current state of information systems (IS) of the Agency, determination of used and not used IS (together with the Agency's specialists);
  • Analysis of the current state of the Agency's system services (together with the Agency's specialists);
  • Analysis of the technical condition of the IS hardware, including from the point of view of the possibility of further support;
  • Analysis of the current state of the local area network (LAN) and structured cabling system (SCS) of the Agency, (together with the Agency's specialists);
  • Analysis of the current state of the server room, technological room and floor switching centers of the Agency (together with the Agency's specialists);
  • Analysis of the current state of the Agency's server infrastructure (together with the Agency's specialists);
  • Analysis of the current state of the data storage system and backup of the Agency's data (together with the Agency's specialists);
  • Analysis of the current state of the network infrastructure of the Agency, (together with the Agency's specialists);
  • Analysis of the current state of information security of the Agency (together with the Agency's specialists);
  • Assessment of the existing IT landscape for compliance with business requirements for reliability, availability, fault tolerance, efficiency of IT infrastructure use;
  • Identification of bottlenecks and risks of IT infrastructure


  • Description of responsibilities

In its activities, the local company/organization undertakes to perform the following works, but not be limited to them:

  • Gathering information on the current state of IT infrastructure through instrumental surveys, interviewing personnel, studying existing documentation, as well as various testing options;
  • Documenting a systematic description of the information collected in the survey;
  • Analysis of the collected information, identification of problem and bottlenecks in the IT infrastructure of the Agency. Documentation and approval by the Statistics Agency of a systematic description of the analysis performed.
  • Development of recommendations for optimizing the placement of components used by the Agency's IS on the existing IT infrastructure, taking into account the current load of equipment, its condition and optimization of the cost of licenses for system software;
  • Development of resource-service models (RSM) for the used IS of the Agency;
  • Development of recommendations for optimization and modernization of the Agency's LAN and SCS on the existing IT infrastructure, taking into account the current load and state;
  • Development of recommendations for optimization and modernization of the server room, technological room and floor switching centers of the Agency on the existing IT infrastructure, taking into account the current load and state;
  • Development of recommendations for creating a backup server room, technological room and regional switching centers of the Agency, taking into account the current IT infrastructure and future loads;
  • Development of recommendations on information security of the Agency;
  • Development of recommendations for eliminating problem areas and improving IT infrastructure, recommendations for ensuring the resiliency required by the business, recommendations for modernizing IT infrastructure;
  • Preparation of a general report on the work performed, the formation of a final assessment in the form of an independent opinion; Presentation of the results of the analysis to the management of the IT service of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.


The main expected results from the implementation of this Tor will be carried out in stages. Based on the data received, a reporting document should be developed indicating critical and potentially critical places in the IT infrastructure and information security systems, as well as recommendations for modernization.

The composition, stages and results of the Agency's IT infrastructure survey are shown in the table below.

  • Stage 1. Determination of the status of IT infrastructure and information security.

At this stage, interviews with Agency specialists are conducted to determine the status of the existing IT infrastructure and information security (used or not used).

  • Stage 2. Survey of IT infrastructure and information security.

            At this stage, physical and logical surveys of the IT infrastructure and information  

            security of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan are

            carried out.


Composition and results of work


Stages of work

Content of work

Results of work

Stage 1. Preparatory stage

The purpose of this stage is to clarify and fix the survey scope, form a project team, draw up a work schedule and prepare questionnaires.

·         Formation of a project team from specialists from the Local Company and the Agency;

·         Conduct kick-off meetings;;

·         Questionnaires prepared and sent.

Stage 2. Collection of initial data, interviewing

At this stage, the experts of the local company get acquainted with the organizational and administrative documents used by the Agency, study the responses to questionnaires, conduct interviews with key representatives of the Agency (with management, with key IT specialists), observe the operation of IT systems and personnel, inspect the premises, study the hardware configuration and architecture descriptions, collect statistics on the use of computing resources (load). Interviews and information gathering meetings are held.

·         The statuses are defined;

·         Received configuration and inventory information about IT infrastructure components;

·         The distribution of IS components over IT infrastructure has been determined (PCM composition)

·         Received configuration information security.

Stage 3. Analysis and evaluation of the results obtained, preparation of a report

At this stage, experts systematize and classify the information received and evaluate the objects of research. Development of PCM on IP. Development of an IT infrastructure optimization plan. Development of an information security optimization plan. Formation of a survey report.

Survey report including:


• Inventory list of equipment;

• Report on the list of information systems and their status and criticality;

• Indication of critical and bottlenecks in the IT infrastructure;

• IP status;

• RSM on used IS;

• Suggestions for optimization;

• Inventory table.

 The local company is required to submit:

 Detailed work plan and timesheet.

  • Analytical material on the current situation.
  • All documents, diagrams or lists must be completed in Russian in accordance with the company's / organization's documentation standards. MS Word, Visio and Excel files must be duplicated with copies in pdf format, and readable by MS Office 2010 and higher, and the documentation must be printed and bound in 2 copies in color. The financial part of the document must contain estimates.
  • Documentation should be provided in a form that is free of marketing or brand elements of the company / organization, as far as possible.
  • The impossibility of obtaining equipment, works or services mentioned in the documentation, as well as the provision of inaccurate information about the compatibility of the elements recommended for replacement with the hardware and software installed or planned to be installed in the Agency's infrastructure, will be considered as improper quality of work performance.
  • The documents are considered complete only after receiving approval from the technical specialists of the Agency.
  • Final report on the progress of the assignment.

Selection criteria for a local company/organization

Applications from interested companies will be evaluated based on the following selection criteria:

The local company / organization must have valid partner statuses with the following hardware and software manufacturers in the territory of Tajikistan:

  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise;
  • DellEMC;
  • Cisco;

The local company / organization must have certified specialists in the following areas:

  • Virtualization systems VMware;
  • Operating systems level Microsoft;
  • Network infrastructure Cisco (at least two specialists);

Personnel who have the necessary professional training, vendor certification and who have previously passed an interview with the Agency's specialists are allowed to work.

 Reporting requirements:

 The local company/organization will be reporting to the Director of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

 The local company will carry out its daily work under the operational control of the Project Coordinator.

Published on: 25.06.2021