Мутобиқи қонунгузорӣ тамоми корхонаҳо, ташкилотҳо, муассисаҳо ва умуман ҳамаи субъектҳои истеҳсоливу ғайриистеҳсолӣ, сарфи назар аз шакли моликияташон бояб ба мақомоти оморӣ ҳисоботи заруриро саривақт, пурра ва ба таври дақиқ пешниҳод намоянд.

Emomali Rahmon

Local company/organization to complete the results framework

The Republic of Tajikistan

Project Preparation of the "Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan”

Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan


Local company/organization to complete the results framework

Location: Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan

Duration: July 2021 to August 2021,

Client: Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan



In response to the request of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for financial assistance, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("World Bank"), as the administrator of grant funds within the framework of the multi-donor trust fund for the development of institutional capacity in the Europe and Central Asia region (ECAPDEV), provided grant funds for preparatory work for a proposed project to modernize the national statistical system in Tajikistan in the amount of US $ 350,000.

In order to ensure the quality implementation of the planned activities for the preparation of the project, the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan will hire a local company to complete the Results Framework for the project “Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan”. The objective of the project is to further improve the capacity of Tajikistan's statistical system to produce and disseminate relevant, reliable and timely statistics in a cost-effective manner that meets international standards and meets user needs.

The main objectives of the assignment

The local company will complete the M&E structure, collect baseline data and update targets under the project “Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan”.

Description of responsibilities:

In its activities, the company undertakes to perform the following works:

Review and prepare a completed M&E structure, including:

  • Review all available project documentation, including the national strategy for the development of statistics until 2030;
  • Study the monitoring and evaluation system based on a range of results to be achieved, including the monitoring of indicators according to the Statistical Capacity Index, Statistical Performance Index and Open Data Inventory Index;
  • Study improvement plans as a basis for monitoring progress;
  • Collect baseline data and update the M&E plan presented in the Project Appraisal Document;
  • Present a monitoring system using a logframe matrix.
  • Submit a proposal for a monitoring system, presented in the form of a table ("Results Framework and Monitoring"), based on M&E Framework presented in the Project Appraisal Document


The main expected results from the implementation of this task are:

The results framework has been updated and the baseline indicators have been collected


  1. Knowledge of employees in statistics, economics, business administration or other related fields.
  2. Experience in statistics / economics, monitoring and evaluation for at least 5 years;
  3. Excellent knowledge of monitoring and evaluation.
  4. Be familiar with World Bank procedures.
  5. Knowledge of Russian, English is preferable for all experts.
  6. Computer skills (MS. Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet, e-mail)                                                                                                               Selection criteria and requirements for a local company

Applications from interested companies will be evaluated based on the following selection criteria:

  1. Experience in statistics / economics, monitoring and evaluation in Tajikistan;
  2. Methodology and approach, including the proposed contract management for effective monitoring, conducting various studies in statistics, reporting, measuring results and improving their achievement;
  3. Knowledge of the basic principles of official statistics, the European Statistics Code, international methodology and classifications in statistics
  4. Experience and qualifications of all team members from the local company

 In addition, when evaluating a company according to the above criteria, the following will be taken into account:

 (a) Legal status recognized by the Republic of Tajikistan and fallowing the company to perform the above tasks in accordance with national legislation;

(b) Demonstrated experience in statistics / economics, monitoring and evaluation in Tajikistan and / or Central Asia over the past 5 years;

(d) Strong monitoring and evaluation capabilities and experience, and proven track record of delivering timely results;

(e) Relevant experience in preparing written reports and short presentations of research findings;

(f) Availability of experienced staff;

(g) Demonstrated capacity and experience in data management and statistics;

(h) Advanced knowledge and experience with the following software: MS Excel and MS Word.


 Reporting requirements

 The local company will be reporting to the Director of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

 The local company will carry out its daily work under the operational control of the Project Coordinator



Published on: 25.06.2021