In October 26, 2021 at the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for monitoring and evaluating the Sustainable Development Goals within the framework of the UNDP project "Monitoring the SDGs in the Republic of Tajikistan" a national seminar on progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals with the participation of ministries, governmental departments, international organizations, experts, academia, civil society and the media has been conducted.
Shodmon Shokirzoda, the First Deputy Director of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, greeted the participants and wished them success in their work.
Then the Deputy Director of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Kiyomiddin Davlatzoda reported in detail about the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and achievements of this important program. It was noted that at today's forum the presentations on development of the National SDG Platform, the “Open Data” platform and the their using procedure will be discussed.
Nabizoda Abduvali, National Expert, Head of the Department of Demographic, Employment and Social Statistics of the Agency on Statistics, provided detailed information about the implementation of the UNDP and Statistical Agency's project "Monitoring the SDGs in the Republic of Tajikistan".
It was noted that the overall goal of the project is to make the Sustainable Development Goals indicators more accessible for the users. The project provides broad access to national indicators through national databases and to international indicators of SDG through a data platform and visualization of SDG indicators. National experts were involved in the development of a strategy for the preparation of indicators and metadata for monitoring the SDGs, including preparing a draft of national system on SDG indicators, based on existing national strategies and programs. In general, 14 seminars and round table meetings were conducted in accordance with the action plan of the project "Monitoring the SDGs in Tajikistan" (with the participation of Agency employees, ministries and governmental departments, media, NGOs and other stakeholders) to study, discuss and implement the project "Monitoring the SDGs in Tajikistan".
In continuation of the seminar, the representative of LLC “Somon Soft Lab” and the national expert F.Mirpochoev made a presentation on the development and feasibility of the National SDG Platform in Tajikistan. There were recommendations on the development and use of the Open Data platform and the Data Exchange Center.
After the presentations, among the participants, representatives of ministries and experts there was held discussions and exchange of ideas about the implemented works.