Баҳисобгирии оморӣ воситаи самарабахши ба низом даровардан ва таҳияи дурнамои фаъолияти субъектҳои иқтисодӣ ба шумор меравад.

Emomali Rahmon

Under the Project Implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics the visit was made by the International Expert, Mr. Rimantas Vaicenavicius to the Agency on Statistics

According to the Twining Partnership Contract signed between the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Joint Venture (Consortium) headed by DevStat, the visit was made from the period of January 15 – 26, 2018 by the International Expert, Mr. Rimantas Vaicenavicius to the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to improve the access to statistics through metadata and quality reports.

The main task of the mission on the quality of statistical data was to increase the knowledge and improve the skills in data quality management that can be applied in all areas of statistics. This is mainly associated with the qualitative measurement of statistical processes both on specific subprocesses of statistics and comprehensive statistical processes related to all subprocesses.
The general international standard for this approach is the 5th version of the General Model of the Statistical Business Process (GSBMP) approved at the United Nations level. The UNECE prepared the extensive list of quality indicators structured in accordance with the GSBPM subprocesses: Quality indicators for the general statistical business process model (GSBPM) for statistical data obtained in the Surveys, version 1.0.
The Expert developed the operational instructions for the GSBPM introduction and presented it at the training seminar held on January 26 2018 which was attended by the specialists from the Agency on Statistics and the Main Computer Center.
Mr. Rimantas Vaicenavicius also provided technical assistance on studying and introducing the metadata into the statistical system; improving the description of metadata for a particular set of indicators to be used as an example for further use in the AS; demonstration of practical aspects of the preparation and use of metadata.
During the training the operational instruction was presented on managing metadata, a single integrated metadata structure (SIMS ver.2), a metadata structure defined in accordance with the SIMS standard; a separate metadata structure for users and producers.
In conclusion, the following recommendations were made:
• to adopt the GSBPM action plan
• to prepare and distribute the GSBPM schemes for all statistical work for users of statistics
• to prepare the first issue of the statistical glossary
• to prepare metadata in the SIMS format for majority of statistical data used.
Published on: 29.01.2018