Within the framework of the project “Strengthening Institutions and Capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Veterinary Inspectorate for Policy Development”, an international expert, Ms. Vasilyeva and Solovova, visited the Statistics Agency for the second time.
With technical and financial support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in the Republic of Tajikistan, in the framework of the project "Strengthening the institutions and the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Veterinary Inspection for policy development", from 1 to 5 April 2019 was carried out the visit of the international statistical expert from the Statistical Committee CIS Ms. Vasilyeva Vera Nikolaevna and Solovova Anna Evgenevna.
In order to improve the methodology of food balance analysis, during the visit, the expert provided technical support to the Agency on Statistics, in particular: an analysis of the food balance methodology was carried out, recommendations were developed to improve the Food Balances for 2014-2017 and to improve the Module of Household Budget Consumption.
On April 3, 2019, a seminar on “Methods for calculating the balance of basic foodstuffs” was held, which was attended by the Agency's leadership and heads of Agency offices for statistics, representatives of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in the Republic of Tajikistan, representatives of the European Union in the Republic of Tajikistan, representatives of the Ministries: agriculture, economic development and trade, industry and new technologies, health and social protection of the population; The Committee on Food Security, the Customs Service and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Institute of Nutrition under the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies and the Republican Nutrition Center under the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Ms. Vasilyeva Vera Nikolaevna spoke at the seminar with a presentation of the methodology of the Balance of Food Resources, a description of the problems and difficulties.
Much attention at the seminar was paid to the discussion of the parameters (regulatory rates and coefficients) necessary for the preparation of the Balance of Food Resources.
The balance of food resources is a system of indicators characterizing the sources of formation of the resources of the main types of food and the channels of their use. The balance reflects the movement of products from the moment of production to the moment of their final use, allows for the current analysis and forecasting the development of the situation on the food market, assessing the needs for imports, determining the funds for food consumption.