Дар шароити муносибатҳои иқтисоди бозорӣ бе ҳисобу китоб, таҳлили натиҷаҳои кор ва ба нақша гирифтани имкониятҳо пешрафти мунтазамро таъмин намудан ғайриимкон мебошад.

Emomali Rahmon

Visit of an international expert on improving agricultural statistics

With the technical and financial support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in the Republic of Tajikistan, within the framework of the project “Strengthening Institutions and Capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Veterinary Inspection for Policy Development”, an international of statistical expert Mr. Pishcheyko Vadim Aleksandrovich from the State Statistics Service Republic of Ukraine made a visit from October 7 to 11, 2019.

In order to improve agricultural statistics, inventory and optimize reporting and data collection forms, during the visit, the expert provided technical support to the Statistics Agency, in particular: analyzed the methodology of various aspects and commented on the actual state of agricultural statistical reports, simplified and prepared the forms reporting and made recommendations for improving the methodology for developing international standards.

On October 10, 2019, a seminar on “Improving agricultural statistics, inventory and optimization of statistical reporting forms” was held, which was attended by the Agency’s leadership and heads of departments of the Statistics Agency, GU “MCC”, representatives of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in the Republic of Tajikistan, representatives Ministries: Agriculture and Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan. Mr. Pishcheyko Vadim Aleksandrovich made a presentation at the seminar on the International (national) practice of agricultural statistics (the experience of the Republic of Ukraine and other EECCA countries) and possible ways to reduce the burden on respondents, inventory and optimize reporting forms and data collection.

Much attention was paid to the discussion of parameters (standard rates and inventory and optimization of statistical reports).

After receiving an extended expert report, a draft statistical report form will be prepared and submitted for consideration by line ministries and departments.

Published on: 10.10.2019