Дар тамоми қаламрави ҷумҳурӣ баҳисобгирии оморӣ, бояд ҳатмӣ, пурра ва бе нуқсон амалӣ гардад. Мақомоти давлатӣ дар ин бобат ва ҳамчунин ҷиҳати ба стандартҳои байналхалқӣ мутобиқ будани ҳисоботи муҳосибавӣ бояд тадбирҳои зарурӣ андешанд.

Emomali Rahmon

Visit was made by the International Expert from the UN Food and Agriculture Agricultural Organization Mr. Mamuka Nadareishvily

Within the framework of the “Developing Capacity for Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Selected Countries of the Caucasus and Central” Project, the visit was made by the International Expert to the Agency on Statistics.

With the technical and financial support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in the Republic of Tajikistan, within the framework of the “Developing Capacity for Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Selected Countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia” Project during the period of July 24-25, 2019 the visit was made by the International Expert from the UN Food and Agriculture Agricultural Organization, Mr. Mamuka Nadareishvily

The purpose of the visit was to study and improve the knowledge of the Agency's staff in developing of FAO methodological recommendations on monitoring and evaluation of SDG 2.3.1 indicators: production per unit of labour with breakdown by class size of farm/cattle-breeding/forestry enterprises and 2.3.2: the average income of small agricultural producers by sex and status of indigenous people.

On July 24-25, 2019, a Seminar was held, which was attended by the heads of the Agency, its statistical offices and the State Enterprise "MCC"

Mr. Mamuka Nadareishvily delivered presentation at the Seminar on the development of FAO methodological recommendations for monitoring and evaluating SDG indicators who noted that the monitoring of task SDGs 2.3.1 will require a harmonized definition of “small food producers”.

Presently, we do not have sufficient information on these small food producers: who they are, what their incomes and the volume of their production. Indicators 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 for agricultural productivity and incomes of small producers will allow to fill in this information gap.

This information is vitally important for the governments of countries to allocate resources so that to simultaneously solve two important tasks: the development of the national economy and elimination of hunger and poverty.

Great attention at the seminar was paid to the review and discussion of the current status of statistical reporting on agricultural statistics in the light of its adjustment for calculating the above SDG indicators.

Published on: 26.07.2019